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The Highway Women's Single "Stand Up and Fight" Chosen for Women Riders World Relay Theme Song

NASHVILLE, TN (September 17, 2019)  Women Riders World Relay (WRWR) is a global female motorcycle relay, covering even the remote and vast parts of our world. This involves women passing a handcrafted baton via “legs” of a journey across the world woman to woman, country to country. In August 2019, Maria O'Reilly Vice President of the Women Riders World Relay and Canadian Ambassador, contacted The Highway Women (a country music group founded in 2016) owner Jill Pavel requesting permission to use their single as the backdrop of their International Relay. O'Reilly said, "We love the song and think it conveys the message we are trying to send. The line in the song 'here we go girls' is like a call for action from women and WRWR was a call for action to 'Stand up & Fight' for what we wanted.  And of course we are all Highway Women."  The song was produced by Justine Blazer Productions, Nashville, TN and The Highway Women. 

The song was pitched to The Highway Women by one of the songwriters, Sean Gasaway.  Gasaway who says, "It's so incredible how a song idea that I had for my daughters to sing and be inspired from turned into an international theme for women all over the world! So grateful to The Highway Women for recording this song and spreading the empowerment cry to STAND UP AND FIGHT!"  One of the Highway Women, Kristen Kae said, "Having our song lead the battle cry for almost 20 Thousand Women across the globe is a dream come true.  When we came together as a group my fellow Highway Women and Jill, solidified our mission of making great music as a vehicle to uplift and inspire other women, not just other female artists but women and girls of all ages.  When we sing Here We Go Girls & Stand Up and Fight we mean all women!

The Riders of the Relay have also gotten behind The Highway Women.  "The song and the Global Relay are a call for women to put their doubts aside and show what they are capable of, a truly perfect partnership." Tammy, Rider.  "Love the song - gonna add it to my twisty’s playlists" Ann, Rider.  The video was embedded on the facebook group for the WRWR Facebook Group which has over 19K followers.  

The goal of the massive endeavor of the Women Relay World Riders is : To unite and inspire women globally and to show the motorcycling industry that women are not only the fastest growing market segment but that we are already a viable market and deserve consideration from the manufacturers and retailers! The relay started on 27th February from John O'Groats, Scotland and comes to a close in January 2020 in UAE. The baton arrives in Canada, in Vancouver, British Columbia on September 14th, 2019.

In an ambitious 11 day ride the baton will travel with the women Guardians via legs across the country from British Columbia to New Brunswick where it will be passed on to WRWR USA at the Saint Stephen-Calais border crossing on September 24th, 2019.

WRWR was setup on 29th August 2018 by Hayley Bell, a 27 year old rider from the UK.

“I wanted to ignite a global sisterhood of inspirational women to promote courage,adventure, unity and passion for biking from all corners of the world and do something that’s never been done before to this scale. Going into motorcycle stores and seeing a lack of choice, combined with stereotypical pink and being told “there just isn’t the market for women”, highlighted to me just one small element of a much bigger picture around women in Motorsports. I want to show the industry the force behind the market that is so blindly overlooked. I am doing this because WOMEN BIKERS CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN.” Hayley Bell, Founder

4 weeks into its creation and the group already had 10,975 members from 100 countries.  Today, just short of a year later, there are 18,700 members from 102 countries.  We have 200 plus press publications, 13,000 website users per month, 100,000 website sessions, 1 million Facebook interactions.  

Canada has 1,361 members.  Over 200 registered female Guardians will carry and protect the baton on its journey across the country.

September 14th- Vancouver to Revelstoke September 15th- Revelstoke to Calgary September 16th- Calgary to Moose Jaw September 17th- Moose Jaw to Winnipeg September 18th- Winnipeg to Thunder Bay September 19th- Thunder Bay to Wawa September 20th- Wawa to Parry Sound September 21st- Parry Sound to Hamilton September 22nd- Hamilton to Montreal September 23rd- Montreal to Edumdston September 24th- Edumdston to Saint Stephen/Calais

Along the way there will be large and small events to celebrate women in motorcycling.  The kick-off event will be at Trev Deeley Harley Davidson in Vancouver.  Other events include Great Canadian Tours; a fabulous evening with inspirational women speakers in Calgary; some spectacular sites in Saskatchewan; a visit to a very unique garage/café in Winnipeg; a little off-road baton travelling in northern Ontario; a trip down the drag strip at Grand Bend Motorplex; a visit to L’Epopee de la Moto museum and so much more!

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